mobile support

Hi everyone! It's been a while since the game was released, and I decided to launch a little patch!

If you are new here, desperatea is a sokoban-type puzzle game about tea... and hypnosis? Use your obedient tea set to move around the table and serve the guests with your magical tea of a particularly green kind. Don't question it, it's matcha! 

Sadly, this update does not bring any new content to the game (aside from new tips, but who cares about the tips, we are hardcore gamers! 😎) So, what's new?

  • Added a fancy new loading screen instead of the boring default Unity preloader!
  • Mobile support: swipe your way through the tables and bend your mind on the go!
  • Fixed a bug with sugar cubes using wrong sprites after undo-ing their hot melting deaths!
  • Game no longer spams you with too-fast-to-read walls of text! Text speed is more relaxed now. Also some of the tips were rewritten to be a bit less vague. (And no, I didn't remove the joke from one of the final levels!)

Welp, that's it! I'm working on distributing the game to new platforms for now! As many people as possible should learn about our powerful all-seeing sacred Tea! 🍵

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